Friday, February 24, 2012

31 Weeks and Heavy

Finally stood on a scale for the first time in about 2 months. I'm almost hitting 150lbs! Normal weight gain is considered to be 25-35lbs.. TOTAL! Eek. I still have around 9 weeks of gaining a pound a week, which will likely put me at 40lbs total weight gain.

I never knew exactly what I was weighing in at before I got pregnant, as I'm not a huge fan of scales and generally believe what's more important is how you feel, rather than aiming for an "ideal" weight.

I was steadily observing my weight increase while visiting the OB as they weighed me each visit, but the midwives don't do it, so I've been blissfully ignorant. But while at the gym I was curious, and there it was, just shy of 150. Holy mama.

This week I'm definitely feeling the heaviness. I'm a lot slower, as proved by the grandmas zipping pass me on the sidewalks. I get out of breath a lot easier, even just from saying a long sentence.

I noticed a nice gaping hole on the inside of my maternity jeans, where my lovely thighs have presumably been rubbing against each other.

Overnight pee breaks have been on the rise. As well as crazy, intense dreams! And as tired as I am I somehow manage to stay up past midnight every night.

Digestion has definitely sloooooowed down.

Up to now I haven't had any backaches but am starting to feel it in the lower back. I'm suspecting because of an increased curve in my lumbar spine. Oh yea and those extra 30lbs!

Overall my sexiness index has plummeted. 

But not all is doom and gloom. With 2 months left to go I am in disbelief that we will be meeting baby so soon. On one hand I can't wait. On the other I can. A whole new reality is about to be upon us and I'm all at once giddy, overwhelmed and terrified.

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