Wednesday, February 29, 2012

8 Months!

Last month at work!

I'm half way through week 32. But just realized last night that I am now in my 8th month! Same thing happened in month 7, thought I was still 6 months for about 2 weeks into the 7th month! Time's passing too quickly to keep track of how far along I am. All I know is that April 22nd is no longer a dot on the horizon but a large visible object coming my way!

With the looming due date fast approaching, I'm realizing that I have to get a lot of stuff done before that date, preferably 2 weeks before that date, in case someone decides to show a little early.

I'm not even talking about setting up a nursery. We actually aren't going to have a nursery (for now). But here's a list of yoginimama's to-do-list:
  1. Move into new apartment and nest
  2. Finish pregnancy scrapbook (number of pages completed to date: 2)
  3. Finish a freelance project - illustrating and designing a children's book
  4. Get my driver's license
It's only 4 things. 4 HUGE things. It actually makes me want to laugh. Just when I think I've taken my procrastination to new heights, I outdo myself. 

We all know that stress is no good for big pregnant mamas, so besides getting all this done it's kind of imperative I do it all with a cool, even head on my shoulders. If I do manage to accomplish each thing on that list before this baby arrives I will be pretty damn impressed with myself. I have to say.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The myth of 8 hours!

I've always felt like I'm one of those people that need 8 hours sleep. I just don't function as well with anything less. So one of the things I'm not looking forward to is the lack of sleep heading my way. Although I'll say this past week has proven that getting a full night's rest is already a thing of the past. I'm way more uncomfortable in whatever position I find myself in. Baby's kicks are getting more intense. And those 3, 4 sometimes 5 times to get up to pee don't help much either.

I haven't studied yoga nidra, the yoga of sleep. But I know that in yoga the idea goes that it's not so much the amount of rest you get but the quality of rest you get. It teaches a kind of conscious rest, not sleep, but takes you in to a deep sense of relaxation. It reminds me a bit of Bikram yoga classes, where in the last sequence of poses, you lie in a mini savasana for 20 seconds in between the poses. I used to love the practice of allowing yourself to fully let go and rest. I know I'll be needing that skill to rest in between contractions too. 

Anyway, I stumbled upon a BBC article about the myth of the 8 hour sleep. It may be that we don't really need that big of a chunk of sleep after all. Hurray! Before the 1600s people had 2 sleeps, the first one soon after dusk. Then they'd get up and do some stuff before sleeping a second sleep. This was the absolute norm.

 "For most of evolution we slept a certain way," says sleep psychologist Gregg Jacobs. "Waking up during the night is part of normal human physiology."

I do realize I won't be getting up just once, but several times. I do feel that a lot of tiredness that comes into play from a lack of sleep is the stress involved from not sleeping. I know that if I can't fall asleep or I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep I stress out. And the more stressed and frustrated you become the harder it is to sleep.

I know that I will need good stress management, flexibility and probably a whole lot of grace to get me through those first months of motherhood (and beyond).

I would love to hear from other mamas, what they recommend for getting rest and for making the most out of the rest that you do get. If you're out there, let me know!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Not so fun decisions

This week, we had our second session of group prenatal meeting. The main topic of the day was GBS or Group B Strep. I have maybe heard of Group B Strep, but honestly think I associated it with strep throat. Well it has nothing to do with your throat. No, GBS is a bacteria that lives in the gut. And 30% of women carry it in the viginal and rectal areas. Which poses no health issues to the women, but if you have a baby, the baby can get infected and there's a small chance the baby will get very ill and maybe even die.

The standard CDC and ACOG recommends screening all pregnant women at 35-37 weeks and that if she should test positive, for her to receive intravenous antibiotics during labor and delivery.

Our midwives are giving us the option to choose for ourselves how we want to tackle the situation. It's up to us if we even want to get screened. The main issue at hand is that receiving antibiotics during labor poses it's own risks as well. And so they really are letting us weigh the risks ourselves.

The problem with the baby being exposed to antibiotics is that there is bacteria that can become antibiotic resistant which poses issues for the baby later down the road, which can also be very serious. If I test positive there chances of passing it on to my baby are actually quite small (0.5%). But of course any risk is still a risk. Check this article I found which covers some of the things we spoke about at our meeting.

We talked about the different scenarios and options we had. And basically there's no right answer. The cycle of GBS life is about 4-5weeks which is why they test at 35-37 weeks. And that still doesn't mean you'll necessarily be a carrier at birth. One option is to test a little earlier and try to take measures to eliminate the GBS through diet. Although this is considered very alternative and there aren't many studies to back it up. But they did suggest eating fermented food, healthy bacteria and cutting back on carbs as GBS loves sugar.

The midwives are also able to lessen the dosage of antibiotics. Instead of being administered the dosage every 4 hours during the entire labor, they can give you one dosage within 4 hours of your delivery.

Let me just say that there is so much about this I'm not even touching on. But for me to attempt to explain it would be totally butchery of the subject. I highly recommend speaking to your healthcare provider about it and also doing your own research as well. It seems to be a hotly debated issue in the medical world.

I haven't yet decided which route to take, though I'm leaning towards what they called "a middle path". I'll let you know where we land.

Check out this article for more info.

Friday, February 24, 2012

31 Weeks and Heavy

Finally stood on a scale for the first time in about 2 months. I'm almost hitting 150lbs! Normal weight gain is considered to be 25-35lbs.. TOTAL! Eek. I still have around 9 weeks of gaining a pound a week, which will likely put me at 40lbs total weight gain.

I never knew exactly what I was weighing in at before I got pregnant, as I'm not a huge fan of scales and generally believe what's more important is how you feel, rather than aiming for an "ideal" weight.

I was steadily observing my weight increase while visiting the OB as they weighed me each visit, but the midwives don't do it, so I've been blissfully ignorant. But while at the gym I was curious, and there it was, just shy of 150. Holy mama.

This week I'm definitely feeling the heaviness. I'm a lot slower, as proved by the grandmas zipping pass me on the sidewalks. I get out of breath a lot easier, even just from saying a long sentence.

I noticed a nice gaping hole on the inside of my maternity jeans, where my lovely thighs have presumably been rubbing against each other.

Overnight pee breaks have been on the rise. As well as crazy, intense dreams! And as tired as I am I somehow manage to stay up past midnight every night.

Digestion has definitely sloooooowed down.

Up to now I haven't had any backaches but am starting to feel it in the lower back. I'm suspecting because of an increased curve in my lumbar spine. Oh yea and those extra 30lbs!

Overall my sexiness index has plummeted. 

But not all is doom and gloom. With 2 months left to go I am in disbelief that we will be meeting baby so soon. On one hand I can't wait. On the other I can. A whole new reality is about to be upon us and I'm all at once giddy, overwhelmed and terrified.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cherish the date nights

Cherish the date nights, the movies, the nice restaurants, because you know that once a certain little someone joins the party, there won't be much of those niceties to enjoy, at least for a while.

So this evening when I started feeling sluggish and lazy at home, instead of suggesting we stay home this Valentine's Day and save money, I slapped on some eyeliner and my heels (after discovering my going-out-boots no longer fit my thickened calves) and we went out to dinner.

So glad that we did, because we had a delectable meal at our favorite SF restaurant, Boulevard. And each bite was that much more scrumptious for knowing that our fine dinning days are numbered.

As D day approaches, I keep thinking about all the things that suddenly won't be an option. Even things that I don't even do, but always think about doing. I gotta get to them now before it's too late! For example I want to go visit all the museums before the baby comes. We've lived in SF for 2 years, and I've yet to step into the De Young or the MOMA. Shameful, considering I was an Art major! Then there's all the live music yet to listen to. Going to a live jazz performance on Fillmore is definitely on my to-do-list.

And of course, there's just time to spend with my husband. Just the two of us time. I know that it will be a whole new kind of beautiful with baby. But for now, I'm savoring the last few months of me and him time. It will never be like this again. Even right now with both of us on our laptops in the dinning room sitting in silence–maybe the few last slices of real quiet we'll get. I can't believe after all these years, we're having a baby.

Monday, February 13, 2012

How to get a massage from your man...

Enroll you and your partner into a Prenatal Partners class!

Some lucky ladies may have a man at home always armed with a bottle of oil, candles and willing and able fingers. But if you're like me, the love of your life may be a little lacking in the TLC department. I don't get much more than a furrowed brow of vague concern when I lament about the deep aching pain in my ass that's causing me to shuffle around the apartment like an 80 year old.

So consider my delight when I found Jane Austen's 3 hour Prenatal Partners workshop listed in Yoga Tree. The mere mention of prenatal massage had me entering my Credit Card info to pay the $70 couple fee. And I've been eagerly awaiting the class ever since.

Yesterday was the workshop and it went above and beyond all my expectations and desires. I've been taking Jane's prenatal classes for a few weeks now (highly recommended as well - she is awesome), so I knew we'd be in good hands. The workshop included, relaxation techniques, different massages and different possible positions done together during labor.

The most important aspect of the workshop was that it was a real bonding experience. I haven't felt this close to my husband in a while. When you're wrapped up in your pregnancy, it's very much a personal experience and for many men it's an outsider's experience. Personally, one of the challenges I've faced during pregnancy is feeling alone in what I experience physically and emotionally. I've poured hours into pregnancy and birthing books whereas R has not yet opened the Birthing Partners book I got him months ago. Seeing what I perceived as his lack of enthusiasm and eagerness to learn has been really frustrating and disappointing to me. I have to constantly remind myself that his experience is different from mine. And as much as he can't relate to me, neither can I to him.

Sunday opened a new door to equal ground. I don't know about the other partners in the room, but I know that the things Jane said resonated with R. I finally felt like he was completely present with me, undistracted by work or other issues. He was there and he was there totally supporting me. And sure the massage techniques kicked ass (and I'll be sure he keeps practicing them), but feeling his presence, his dedication and his love was what really counted. She was able to let him get to a place where he could connect to his love for me and for this baby, something that I feel he doesn't often have time to reflect on.

My hope is that all expecting couples get to share in something like this. Especially if you're feeling a bit on the disconnected side with your partner. Sometimes all we need is a little help to clear away all the noise to get down to the real love shared in a relationship. And as Jane said, a little massage with the right intention goes a long, long way.

Click here for more info on Jane Austin.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thank God it's 9 Months

I have the day off today and I've just finished my breakfast, so thought it was a good time to sit down and write my first entry. As of today I am... (quick check on The Bump app)... 207 days pregnant! My baby's food size equivalent is a butternut squash. That leaves me with 73 more days to go (give or take a few weeks)!

I feel like I've been pregnant forever. I'll think back to an event from last summer and then realize I was pregnant back then too. But I think I get the whole 9 months thing. Sure it takes that long for the bun to fully cook. But more importantly, it's a good amount of time to get your head around the fact that you're having a baby. The first couple months was all about being pregnant, I just wanted to know what was going on in my body, I zoomed through What to Expect When You're Expecting excitedly looking at what was to come. Reading and rereading the write up for each week, totally mesmerized with what was happening in my body.

Then one day a few months later I thought I'd look up some essentials lists for a baby registry. After one look at some essentials lists on line, this was pretty much my reaction.

It sounds so ridiculous, but it finally dawned on me that there was a baby coming after all this being pregnant stuff. And with that baby all these things, things I had no clue about, had never heard of.

I quickly closed my tabs and decided that the registry could probably wait a while. And embarrassingly, I still haven't finished it! I did eventually start it, but oh man, the choices for everything!! The research that goes in to choosing a car seat alone! Each item was a morning's work on it's own. But I'm almost there. And baby, I promise you you will have all you need by the time you get here!

So yes, 9 months. THANK GOD! Hubby and I went to the Exploritorium last week. In the section all about gestation was a display of a little fish, to which I forget it's name. But they take just 48 hours to full gestation! All I could think was "Bless you little fishy mama!". I totally realize that in comparison to the lifelong challenge of motherhood, these 9 months will seem like a blink of an eye in retrospect. But being in it right now. I can't help but be grateful for each day I have. Just to enjoy the miracle of pregnancy, for the natural process that happens physically and mentally in preparing for motherhood. I can't wait to meet this little one, but I want to cherish this time that I have with the baby inside of me. I hear one day they grow up and you don't see them all that much. So I'm savoring this time, the beginning of this relationship where we're one. Gosh, little ones not even out yet and I'm dreading letting it go already! (Not to objectify baby by calling it "it" but we don't know the gender yet).

So there you go. Pregnancy is a practice of going with the flow. Of letting time take it's course. And you know what I almost feel like I am a bit more patient these days. Though I'm sure once motherhood is in full swing that probably goes too. I should tell hubby to appreciate this version of me while it lasts!